Heller: I met power company executives who were building hydropower stations at the same time that India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was in Washington, D.C., negotiating an agreement for nuclear power. India needs electricity to support its information technology industry and to meet basic needs. Both hydro and nuclear technologies go directly to clean power that does not emit greenhouse gases and contribute to climate change. These technologies avoid the traditional path of polluting first and cleaning up later, which has been the path followed in the United States and Europe. Compare this with China's construction of a coal-fired power plant each week to 10 days, and it is easy to see which is the more "advanced" solution when environmental sustainability is the standard. ECT: Did the executives see their companies in terms of the same sustainability standard that you talk about? Heller: Managers, naturally, get engrossed in the daily challenges of running their operations. They struggle with community relations, requirements of government bureaucracies, and materials and personnel management. It is easy to lose sight of the big picture under these pressures. Managers need to see themselves as global citizens, as being on the right side of history, as contributors to a transformation to a sustainable society.
Understanding how new business models are being created, hearing about examples of new product designs that dematerialize -- or use less stuff, of companies that are profiting by using business models enabled by information, and communications [technologies] that substitute services for products was inspiring and enlightening to them. For example, a power company executive recounted the travails of his efforts to deal with local community resistance to his company's plan to build a new hydropower plant. I challenged him to frame his project in terms of the need to reduce greenhouse gases. "How many tons of carbon dioxide will you NOT emit, by building a hydropower plant instead of a coal fired plant?" I asked. Or how many tons of carbon would be emitted if a coal fired plant provided the same amount of electricity? He was thrilled with this question and began to use his engineering skills to do the computation. But he also got the bigger point: India needs power. The choice is to either build thermal plants that will produce electricity AND emit greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, or to build clean power plants that will not add to the climate's burden of carbon, to leapfrog over more polluting technologies. ECT: What other aspects of life in India did you notice with your environmental stewardship approach? Heller: Trash. The average American produces four pounds of trash per day. In India, there was no trash can in my room. I would collect trash on a shelf of my desk, and hand it to the woman who came to clean my room. I became acutely aware of each morsel of trash I created. There was no "away." I could not just drop trash in a can and put it out of my mind. This system was simplified by the absence of paper products that are abundant in the United States: paper cups, plastic lids, straws, tissues, paper plates, plastic spoons and forks, all manner of handouts and advertising fliers, brochures, schedules, announcements. Instead, "real" plates and cups were washed and reused even when they were taken out of the dining hall and brought to me at the guest house. E-mail worked just fine, a single copy of a newspaper was shared, and communication was often person-to-person. Measured against a sustainability standard, it is easy to see which system is more advanced. Adding to the mindfulness of trash creation was the sight of a plume of smoke spotted on one of my walks around the Indian Institute of Management's Shillong campus. The sight and smell of burning trash increased my attempts to minimize waste. Like the principle of "extended producer responsibility," witnessing the processing of the end of life of my trash kept the pressure on to use washable dishes and utensils, to minimize paper use, and to use other products long and well. What became valuable were things that could be used intensely and that would endure a long time. Single or short use products that had to be tossed out and replaced became an anathema. I felt my environmental footprint shrinking. Another experience with trash occurred when I arrived in India and realized that I had left two folders full of important papers on the airplane. I went to the British Airways lost luggage desk and waded into the crowd of people with lost luggage. The airline clerk made a phone call but reported that the crew had not found the missing folders. I left my name and hotel address but wasn't expecting to see those papers again. I gradually realized that most of what was in the folders was also in my laptop computer -- voila, paperless!
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