The U.S. experience shows that if you try to get agreement on privacy regulation--and if all the other legislative initiatives depended upon a consensus emerging about privacy issues--nothing would happen. Privacy is a difficult issue and very hard to resolve in the situation, because there are many interest groups that have very different approaches. Since privacy as an issue is only beginning to make waves now, making other pieces of legislation dependent on privacy would mean that nothing would get passed. One peculiar thing India has done in terms of electronic signatures is to spell out the choice of technology. Have other countries followed the same procedure?Many countries have taken the advice of technologists and lawyers and tried to make these things technology-neutral. What India has done is to make the legislation entirely dependent on the public key cryptography. While that is clearly the current standard, it is not clear if it will always be the standard and if it will always be the best way of dealing with electronic transactions. So essentially what the Indian act says in large part is that transactions that are secured by public key cryptography will be satisfactory for the purpose of electronic transactions. This means that if two people have reached an electronic agreement by email, it is not entirely clear whether that would be a legally enforceable transaction, though it should be. The question is why should the Indian bill be tied to technology, which may not be relevant to the way people may transact. A lot of other countries have sought simply to say that transactions that occur electronically, provided they fulfill all the other formalities of a real-world transaction, will not be thrown out just because the transaction is electronic. That way the transaction is technology-neutral, and you leave it to the parties to decide whether they want fully encrypted transaction systems or whether they want to use some other system. How do governments tackle the issue of cyberjurisdiction beyond their borders?The Indian approach is not greatly different from approaches taken by different countries. The issue is the jurisdiction that governments have for transactions that happen over the Internet. The Indian approach is to say that there are certain nexus points or connections that are sufficient to permit jurisdiction. That's the approach of a number of nation-states. Lots of countries say that they will impose jurisdiction based on a number of criteria, such as whether the person is making the transaction in that country or whether the country is connected to the transaction. The debate is particularly fierce concerning taxation of e-commerce, since many countries would love to tax transactions passing through their borders even though the parties to the transaction may not be based in that country. So India's position is not consistent with that of other nation-states.
A lot of problematic questions do arise, though. Should any bit of information that passes through a country be subject to its laws? Can countries tax information and transactions passing through a country's networks even though they may be mere stopping points in the global network? How should governments regulate companies that are incorporated offshore? Take the case of the Internet gambling site World Sports Exchange. It is based in Antigua, where gambling is legal. The state of New York argues, however, that since a lot of the people using the site are based in New York, the Web site violates its laws, which prohibit Internet gambling. The state of New York brought the owners of the World Sports Exchange to court in New York. So there are a huge number of issues about jurisdiction. Most countries at this stage have a very clearly defined law about how this is going to work. One of the concerns that may arise is that these jurisdiction problems will force investment offshore. If companies think there are jurisdictional problems in one country's Internet space, it is easy enough to set up companies offshore wherever there is a better regulatory policy. It is unclear how this all may play out. Having left the Internet to be self-regulated or unregulated, are countries coming around to the view that some kind of legislation is necessary?Definitely. In the last two to three years, there has been a fundamental shift in the approach of governments about the Internet. In the past, Net entrepreneurs strongly favored self-regulation. This approach worked in the early stages of the Internet, but only before e-commerce became a big issue. Christmas 1999, for example, saw a significant critical mass of people in the U.S. shopping on the Net. The U.S. government realized that it had to have a tax regime for the Net just as it does for real-world commerce. Last Christmas, the issue was not so much about taxation but consumer protection, because lots of Web sites didn't provide the products that had been ordered or provide secure transactions. This gave rise to the argument that consumer protection should be built into e-commerce in the U.S. Lately we've seen concerns about the private data that is provided to Web sites by consumers and how these Web sites use this data. Governments till recently have been relatively unsure how to regulate these activities, but lately they have realized that these are transactions in a commercial environment like any other, and regulation is inevitable. The debate is about how to do it.
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